Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wage Slave Blues - Lament of the North American IT worker

As with most momentary thoughts it is unknown when this one will float to the top of the misty mind again to be further rework.

Slight re-write  on 17/07/2010

Working night and day
for next to no pay
Ya I'm working night and day
for no wages my way.
If I want to keep on living
I got to keep on bleeding
The little that I get the gov man take away.
They said we own your body
so your gonna work non stop
They said we own your body
so your workin round the clock
You dare say a word and
there's a billion others
cheaper and quicker just to take your place
still what little you get the tax man take away.
They said we own your soul
so your gonna work for nothin.
They said we own your soul
so now you work for no pay.
If you say you don't like it
you can always take a hike
Go live in a park, and watch the gov man skunk
just go round a robbin the working people blind.
Some day I'm gonna say no more
and pack it all in.
Some day I'm gonna say no more
and walk right on out.
Gonna go live in the country
Sit under a tree
If the tax man come visiting, all he'll get's a steaming cow pie.

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