Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ghost Winds

As with most momentary thoughts it is unknown when this one will float to the top of the misty mind again to be further rework.
First cut, very rough.

Long hot nights, still thick air.
evoke thoughts of fine times spent
lying in the fields with a lady friend
tangled as one, a beast with two backs.

Crisp night air, with a nip of frost
brings memories of happy times.
Running swift on the hunt
Seeking prey or finding love.

Clear frozen nights, too cold to inhale.
Conjures visions of fires burning warm.
Time spent indoors laughing with friends and lovers.
Wrapped in blankets bare.

The old wolf test the midnight air
Each season brings with it memories
of times long gone by.
When he could still run swift.

Cool nights, new green and old decay
excitement stirs, though now only memories
Alone now, he sleeps wondering
if another season will ever come

Bringing with it its special memories
for him to relive once more
his mind still vibrant, young at heart
his body quickly failing

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