Thursday, January 19, 2012

Living at the end of the free world.

Initial spew 19/01/2012

Aging dinosaurs found they couldn't adapt,
to a quickly changing world.
So they squashed the entire cyber play ground.
To keep their feeding grounds full.

How far the mighty have fallen,
once the land of free and proud.
Now no liberty for any,
and censorship rules all.

In steps it came down like a hammer
Distasteful tools they were.
At first only to stop piracy.
Though banned soon were many more.

Heroically editing the net to show
just what citizen comrades needed to know.
Thought control and re-education for those
who read anything not corpo-government approved.

Living at the end of the free world.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Throwaway joe

Initial spew 13/11/2011

My hats an old rag
I tie around my head
It's lying on the sidewalk
With some spare change thrown in

Got a rock for my pillow
Newspaper blanket to keep me warm
That paper's getting hard to find
Makes me think I'm gonna freeze

I used to work for the ibums
when things were looking up
but now all the jobs offshored
I'm living in a box

Go line up every day
to get a free hot meal
and if I can remember
nightly bed at the mission too

Once this was the land of promises
it's all gone to hell
now maximizing profits rules
and people are squeezed dry and discarded

The jack helps dull the pain
maybe even helps you sleep
if you are real lucky
maybe never wake

So buddy pass that bottle round
It's time to try again

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pirate Trade

Re-write occurred on 05/10/2010

Alas my land they took away
left no means to support my way.
My mind it twisted, began to yell
took up the gun and sailed away.

Seized my home for tax unpaid
left bare on lanes to go my way.
Nothing left and beaten down
an outlaws life was my way out.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Upon the docks a fine ship found
one night dark, twas borrowed.
Sailing away into the gloom
hearts heavy with growing doom.

Heavy the hold with chest and cask
of rum, and ale, and food.
Stole some canon, power and shot
set out upon the unsuspecting lot.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Up and down the coast
a deadly trade is plied.
No ship was ever safe
from our canons fiery kiss.

A broadside and she's crippled
grape and chain takes down the sail.
Boarded swift and plundered clean
to a watery grave is sent.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Slipping in to ports we stop
to trade for grog and wench and song.
Quick the plunder soon be gone
we set off to sea again.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Monday, September 6, 2010

War Cry

As with most momentary thoughts it is unknown when this one will float to the top of the misty mind again to be further rework.
First cut, very rough.

The Captains of industry called a challenge
And the czars of commerce answered
They crafted their lies one upon one
Report upon report,
They called for the campaigns to start with month end

Notice went out across emails reaching all
That sounded like old repeating beans
6sigma and lean, downsizing right sizing
Fire your staff and move overseas

Throughout the quarters they cut their staff
With high profits on the side of the ruthless
They schemed their bottom line, plot upon plot
Dirty deed upon deed
At the coming of the investors meeting,
The great cuts began

They met in the market supposedly free
They looked out across the shining sea
And they reduced their head count
One upon one
Till all were gone
The economy was dead before it could begin

Big business leaders playing a game
They tried to maximize profits
And sold out their kin
And sold out their kin

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ghost Winds

As with most momentary thoughts it is unknown when this one will float to the top of the misty mind again to be further rework.
First cut, very rough.

Long hot nights, still thick air.
evoke thoughts of fine times spent
lying in the fields with a lady friend
tangled as one, a beast with two backs.

Crisp night air, with a nip of frost
brings memories of happy times.
Running swift on the hunt
Seeking prey or finding love.

Clear frozen nights, too cold to inhale.
Conjures visions of fires burning warm.
Time spent indoors laughing with friends and lovers.
Wrapped in blankets bare.

The old wolf test the midnight air
Each season brings with it memories
of times long gone by.
When he could still run swift.

Cool nights, new green and old decay
excitement stirs, though now only memories
Alone now, he sleeps wondering
if another season will ever come

Bringing with it its special memories
for him to relive once more
his mind still vibrant, young at heart
his body quickly failing

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Low end people got a minor touch

Low End People got a bit of a re-work on 20/07/2010!
An ancient one bubbled up and got a minor alteration.

Remember is starting to work too much lately, going to burn out!

Slight rework on Pager Blues

Pager Blues got a bit of a re-work on 20/07/2010!
Whoot I actually managed to remember and rework another one.

Remember is sort of working lately, scarry!