Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pirate Trade

Re-write occurred on 05/10/2010

Alas my land they took away
left no means to support my way.
My mind it twisted, began to yell
took up the gun and sailed away.

Seized my home for tax unpaid
left bare on lanes to go my way.
Nothing left and beaten down
an outlaws life was my way out.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Upon the docks a fine ship found
one night dark, twas borrowed.
Sailing away into the gloom
hearts heavy with growing doom.

Heavy the hold with chest and cask
of rum, and ale, and food.
Stole some canon, power and shot
set out upon the unsuspecting lot.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Up and down the coast
a deadly trade is plied.
No ship was ever safe
from our canons fiery kiss.

A broadside and she's crippled
grape and chain takes down the sail.
Boarded swift and plundered clean
to a watery grave is sent.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

Slipping in to ports we stop
to trade for grog and wench and song.
Quick the plunder soon be gone
we set off to sea again.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

A'yo the devil and Davy Jones
sitin by my side
our souls may be damned
but we are living on the high.

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